Who we are
‘Where’s My Doctor?’ is a platform that is committed to providing its users with correct information about the doctor/s they are looking for. Collecting information from publicly available sources, this website offers a user-friendly interface to search, filter, and sort doctors’ information to find the right doctor for the user. The information is periodically updated, and the users or even doctors themselves can also input doctors’ information on the website. Though making an appointment directly from the website is not possible yet, you never know what future awaits.
How it started
This was meant to be a project to implement SEO in a directory website to measure the potential traffic that could be generated. With that in mind and also to make sure that the website actually helps people, ‘Where’s My Doctor?’ was created. Now it lists hundreds of hospitals and thousands of doctors, and the numbers continue to grow. That’s pretty much all there’s to it.
What’s in it for the future?
The website currently offers only the basic features that any listing website should normally offer. Features like making an appointment directly, further links to medical equipment and medicines, health-related services like blood, oxygen, and ambulances, and far-fetched imaginations like using this site to write prescriptions and keep patients’ logs, everything is possible given that the right technology is used at the right time. While none of us know the future, being optimistic is the key!
If you have any queries, questions, or suggestions for us, feel free to reach out via the Contact page or send an email to [email protected]