

The year 2020 brought about unprecedented challenges across the globe, forcing societies to adapt to a new way of life in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bangladesh, like many other countries, found itself grappling with the need for swift and effective changes. The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities, but it also opened avenues for innovation and transformation. This article explores how Bangladesh’s healthcare sector is embracing the new normal and ushering in a wave of positive changes.

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Telehealth Revolution in Healthcare

One of the most significant shifts in the healthcare landscape has been the widespread adoption of telehealth services. In a country like Bangladesh, access to quality healthcare is often hindered by geographical constraints. Hence, telehealth has emerged here as a game-changer. With the help of digital platforms and mobile technology, patients can now consult with healthcare professionals remotely. This reduces the need for physical visits to clinics and hospitals.

The government of Bangladesh has recognized the potential of telehealth. They have taken steps to facilitate its integration into the healthcare system. There are now policies in place to ensure the security and privacy of telehealth consultations. They have also launched initiatives to train healthcare professionals in utilizing digital platforms effectively. Platforms like ‘Daktar Bhai‘ are helping thousands get medical consultations by directly connecting them with a specialized doctor online.

Telehealth not only enhances accessibility to healthcare but also minimizes the risk of infection transmission during a pandemic. Patients with chronic conditions can receive regular check-ups from the safety of their homes. Doctors now can provide timely advice, monitor symptoms, and prescribe medications through virtual consultations. For further reading on the future of telehealth, please visit this article from TBS.

Digital Health Records

The adoption of digital health records has been another crucial aspect of the new normal in Bangladesh’s healthcare sector. Moving away from traditional paper-based records, digital health records streamline the management of patient information. It leads to more efficient and accurate healthcare delivery.

Digital health records enable healthcare providers to access a patient’s medical history instantly, facilitating quicker diagnosis and treatment decisions. This not only improves the quality of care but also reduces the likelihood of errors associated with manual record-keeping.

Not only the health records of the patients, but also the qualifications and contact details of the doctors are changing the way the ‘appointment-making process’ in Bangladesh. ‘Where’s My Doctor?‘ is making a similar impact by helping people find the right doctor in just a few clicks.

The implementation of a standardized and interoperable digital health record system has been a priority for the government. This initiative aims to create a unified platform where healthcare providers across the country can seamlessly share patient information. This ensures continuity of care and avoids duplication of diagnostic tests and procedures.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making waves in the healthcare sector globally. Unfortunately, it might not have a great presence in Bangladesh just yet. From predictive analytics to image recognition, AI is being utilized to enhance diagnostic accuracy, optimize treatment plans, and improve overall patient outcomes.

In diagnostics, AI algorithms are proving to be invaluable in analyzing medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. These technologies can assist healthcare professionals in identifying abnormalities and potential diseases at an early stage. By analyzing vast datasets, AI can help identify genetic markers and biomarkers that influence an individual’s response to specific treatments. This allows healthcare providers to tailor treatment plans based on the unique characteristics of each patient, optimizing therapeutic outcomes. For further reading on this topic, you can visit this article from PwC.

E-Pharmacy and Home Delivery

The pandemic highlighted the importance of minimizing physical contact to curb the spread of the virus. In response to this, the healthcare sector in Bangladesh has seen a surge in e-pharmacies and home delivery services for medications.

E-pharmacies provide a convenient and safe platform for patients to order prescription medications online. These platforms ensure the authenticity of medicines, provide detailed information about dosage and side effects, and offer the convenience of doorstep delivery. This not only reduces the risk of exposure to infectious diseases but also improves medication adherence, especially among patients with chronic conditions.

The government has been working to regulate and standardize e-pharmacy services to ensure the quality and safety of medications delivered to patients. This includes measures to verify the authenticity of online pharmacies, monitor the storage and transportation of medicines, and protect patient privacy. Platforms like ePharma are serving thousands of customers every day by delivering medicines right to their doorsteps.

Health Monitoring Wearables

The adoption of health monitoring wearables has seen a steady rise in Bangladesh as people become more conscious of their health and well-being. These devices, ranging from smartwatches to fitness trackers, allow individuals to monitor various health parameters in real time.

Health monitoring wearables can track metrics such as heart rate, blood pressure, sleep patterns, and physical activity. This data provides valuable insights into a person’s overall health and allows for early intervention in case of any anomalies.

We now see more and more people being concerned about their health and using devices like Fitbit and Mi Band while jogging or doing exercise to track their physical activities. Appls like Google Fit are also used by many to track steps, exercise, and rest.

In the context of the new normal, health monitoring wearables have gained significance in remote patient monitoring. Individuals with chronic conditions can use these devices to regularly track their vital signs, and healthcare providers can remotely monitor patients’ health status. This proactive approach helps prevent complications, reduce hospital admissions, and enhance the overall quality of care.

Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships

The challenges posed by the pandemic underscored the importance of collaboration between the public and private sectors in the healthcare domain. In Bangladesh, the government has been actively fostering public-private partnerships to strengthen the healthcare infrastructure and improve service delivery.

Public-private partnerships involve collaboration between government entities and private healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and technology firms. These partnerships can lead to more efficient resource allocation, improved access to healthcare services, and the implementation of innovative solutions.

For example, private hospitals and clinics can contribute to the government’s efforts in expanding healthcare facilities and improving the quality of care. Pharmaceutical companies can work with the government to ensure a stable supply of essential medications, while technology firms can assist in the development and implementation of digital health solutions.

Capacity Building and Training

Adapting to the new normal in healthcare requires equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge. The government and relevant stakeholders have been investing in capacity building and training programs to ensure that healthcare workers are well-prepared to handle the evolving healthcare landscape.

Training programs cover a range of topics, including the use of telehealth platforms, digital health record systems, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence. The goal is to empower healthcare professionals to leverage these tools effectively, enhance the quality of care, and stay updated on the latest advancements in their respective fields.

Moreover, capacity building extends beyond healthcare providers to include community health workers and support staff. By creating a workforce that is well-versed in the new technologies and practices, Bangladesh is better positioned to address the healthcare needs of its population.

Public Health Awareness and Education

An integral aspect of the new normal in healthcare is the emphasis on public health awareness and education. The government, in collaboration with healthcare organizations and non-governmental entities, has been actively promoting health literacy to empower citizens to make informed decisions about their well-being.

Public health campaigns, both online and offline, aim to educate the population about preventive measures, the importance of vaccination, and the early recognition of symptoms. The goal is to create a health-conscious society that actively participates in its own healthcare, leading to better outcomes and reduced healthcare burdens.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health awareness campaigns have played a crucial role in disseminating accurate information about the virus, dispelling myths, and promoting vaccination. These efforts have been instrumental in managing the spread of the virus and mitigating its impact on the healthcare system.

An Article from a Local Daily

The article from TBS discusses the need for a reevaluation of Bangladesh’s healthcare system in response to the changing economic dynamics and challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The author emphasizes the commendable efforts of healthcare workers but suggests that it’s time to strengthen the local healthcare system for future challenges.

Key points include:

  • Shift in Healthcare Delivery: The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered outpatient care delivery, with providers deferring elective visits and incorporating telemedicine. The evolving recommendations for lockdown have influenced both provider and patient behavior.
  • Augmented Home Health Care: The article suggests the importance of augmented home health care service delivery, focusing on resources directed from hospitals to homes, offices, and neighborhoods. This involves training a tech-savvy workforce for home health services, including nurses, patient care attendants, lab technologists, and volunteers.
  • Single Specialty Centers: The article advocates for the establishment of single specialty centers, concentrating on treating specific medical specialties in designated centers. This approach aims to save time and money, reduce cross-infection risks, and build a cohesive medical ecosystem.
  • Medical Tourism and Specialized Care: The single specialty center model is seen as an opportunity to attract medical tourists and meet the rising demand for specialized care, especially with the increasing elderly population requiring intensive tertiary care.
  • Integrated Healthcare System: The article proposes an integrated healthcare system where single specialty centers connect with hospitals to share patient medical histories. Technology plays a crucial role in unifying medical records, providing personalized care, and reducing the need for frequent hospital visits.
  • Cost Reduction through Collaboration: The high cost of treatment is highlighted as a significant challenge, and the article suggests that strong public-private partnerships can help mitigate this challenge. Examples, such as Germany’s collaboration with Lufthansa Airlines for medical tourism, are cited.
  • Innovation and Convenience: The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of innovation and convenience in reshaping the healthcare system, drawing inspiration from successful models in other countries.

In summary, the article advocates for a comprehensive overhaul of Bangladesh’s healthcare system by embracing new models of care delivery, focusing on specialized centers, incorporating technology, and fostering collaboration between public and private entities.


The adoption of the new normal in Bangladesh’s healthcare sector represents a paradigm shift that is driven by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to improving the well-being of the population. The integration of telehealth, digital health records, artificial intelligence, and other transformative technologies has positioned Bangladesh as a frontrunner in adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape.

As the country continues to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and prepares for future healthcare scenarios, the key lies in sustained investment, strategic partnerships, and a collective effort to build a resilient and responsive healthcare system. By embracing the new normal, Bangladesh has the opportunity to not only address current healthcare challenges but also pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable future.

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