

Bangladesh is witnessing a surge in digital health platforms, revolutionizing the way people access healthcare services. With the advent of technology, individuals now have convenient and efficient means to consult doctors, order medicines, access health-related information, and connect with communities for support and advice. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best online healthcare resources available in Bangladesh. We will be covering platforms for consulting doctors, ordering medicines, accessing health-related blogs and forums, and finding reputable healthcare professionals.

Consulting Doctors Online: Daktarbhai

Daktarbhai‘ is a pioneering initiative revolutionizing healthcare in Bangladesh. It offers an online platform for doctor appointments and personal health record management. Through both web and mobile app platforms, Daktarbhai empowers individuals to take control of their health using mHealth technology. Users can book appointments with specialists of their choice, enjoy lucrative hospital discounts, and integrate various healthcare services into a single intelligent account for their entire family. Additionally, Daktarbhai provides a Personal Health Record (PHR) service, allowing users to store and manage all medical information. It includes conditions, medications, and schedules, in one secure location. Users can seek professional opinions from doctors, engage in discussions with other users, and monitor their health conditions. The overarching aim of Daktarbhai is to develop one of the best healthcare resources in the country with interoperable personal healthcare records for every citizen, revolutionizing healthcare delivery by minimizing costs and time while maximizing effectiveness and value.

Online Medicines Delivery: MedEasy

MedEasy‘ is one of the leading digital healthcare resources in Bangladesh. It offers doctor video consultations and medicine home delivery services nationwide. Supported by the ICT division of Bangladesh, MedEasy connects users with licensed doctors from 23 specialties. It allows them to receive consultations via video calling from any location. Users can conveniently order authentic medicines through MedEasy’s online pharmacy. It saves them both time and money with up to a 10% discount on medicine orders. Ordering medicine is simple: download the MedEasy app, upload prescriptions, search for desired medicines, add to the cart, and proceed to place the order. Additionally, MedEasy offers consultations with specialist doctors for chronic health conditions like Diabetes and Hypertension. Patients can also consult experienced General Practitioners for common health issues, all for 99 taka throughout the day.

Health-Related Forum: NGO Forum for Public Health

‘NGO Forum for Public Health‘ originated in response to the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade (IDWSSD) initiated by the United Nations General Assembly. Established in 1982, the organization initially focused on reducing mortality and morbidity from water-borne diseases in Bangladesh. Over time, it has evolved into a prominent entity in the development sector, gaining legal recognition in 1991. Today, the NGO Forum for Public Health serves as the apex networking and service delivery body for NGOs, CBOs, and private sector operators in the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) sector of Bangladesh. While continuing its efforts in WASH, NGOF has expanded its programmatic scope to address various multidimensional challenges in public health. Since 2011, it has been known as NGO Forum for Public Health, emphasizing on broader public health issues beyond WASH. As a rights-based service delivery organization, the NGOF plays a vital role in advocating for improved public health outcomes. Additionally, It ensures the rights of marginalized communities in Bangladesh.

Fitness and Wellness Platform: Fit Bangladesh

‘Fit Bangladesh‘ is one of the most comprehensive online healthcare resources dedicated to fitness and well-being. It offers a wide range of fitness products, clothing, sportswear, workouts, exercises, and supplements. It also has an active community to support individuals in achieving their fitness goals. Serving as a virtual gym, Fit Bangladesh provides various resources including workout equipment, nutritional guidance, home workout training, gym training, supplement expertise, fashion advice, and personal training. The platform aims to empower users to burn fat, build muscle, and become the best version of themselves. Additionally, Fit Bangladesh serves as an online marketplace for fitness and sports product sellers and service providers. It enables them to reach a wider audience. Fitness and sports communities can also utilize the platform to organize events and activities. Thus it can foster a supportive environment for physical activity and well-being.

Mental Health Support

Esho Nije Kori’ is a local initiative in Bangladesh dedicated to supporting individuals living with mental illness. It particularly focuses on those facing social stigma and barriers to seeking help openly. Esho Nije Kori advocates for mental health support for anyone in need while respecting their anonymity. The organization provides a platform for individuals, families, businesses, communities, and organizations to open up and start dialogues aimed at finding solutions to mental health challenges. Founded in 2016 with the slogan “Prevention is better than Cure,” Esho Nije Kori focuses on developing the mental well-being of young professionals and youth who may be suffering from various mental issues but are unable to seek support. Through counseling, training services, and open discussions, Esho Nije Kori aims to address psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues. The organization also offers corporate services, including employee assistance programs and mindfulness leadership training. By doing this it recognizes the importance of mental health in the workplace. Esho Nije Kori is committed to raising awareness about mental health and providing a strong support system for those silently struggling, with the ultimate goal of improving access to effective care and treatment for individuals living with mental illness in Bangladesh.

Doctors’ Directory: Where’s My Doctor?

Where’s My Doctor?‘ has gained prominence as a reliable doctors’ directory in Bangladesh. This platform offers a user-friendly interface that allows patients to search for doctors by specialty and location. ‘Where’s My Doctor?’ provides comprehensive profiles of healthcare professionals, featuring information about their qualifications, experience, and patient reviews. With the goal of connecting patients with the right doctors, this platform has become a valuable resource in the Bangladeshi healthcare landscape, and arguably the best doctors’ directory in Bangladesh.

The Best Doctors on ‘Where’s My Doctor?’

Here’s the list of the best doctors in Bangladesh as per ‘Where’s My Doctor?‘.


The healthcare landscape in Bangladesh is undergoing a digital transformation, with online platforms playing a crucial role in enhancing the accessibility, convenience, and affordability of healthcare services. Whether it’s consulting doctors, ordering medicines, accessing health-related information, or connecting with support communities, individuals now have a myriad of options at their fingertips. By leveraging these online health resources effectively, Bangladeshis can take proactive steps toward improving their health and well-being, ultimately leading to a healthier and happier nation.

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